Photograph of a smart phone with the WayAround logo on the screen. The phone is angled on whitewashed wood.

The Smart Assistant for People Who are Blind

Meet WayAround

WayAround is the app for your smart device that provides on-demand details about everyday things. The simple tag-and-scan approach lets you quickly and easily identify things around you. It also provides extra details, like how something works or when it expires.

The result? Doing more of the things you want, with more confidence and more independence.

Get the FREE App!

An illustration of three black-and-white symbols with the words tag, scan and know. The tag symbol shows the WayAround logo. The scan symbol is a smart phone with lines representing wifi. The know symbol is a speech bubble with a check mark.

Announcing a Partnership with BlindShell USA

Blindshell logo plus WayAround logo

The power of WayAround is now on the BlindShell Classic 2, a unique mobile phone created specifically for the blind and visually impaired!

Accessible Pharmacy Logo: A yellow sun half crested with "Accessible Pharmacy" in black letters beneath

WayAround® is now partnering with Accessible Pharmacy!

Accessible Pharmacy is a comprehensive, home delivery pharmacy specializing in the blind, DeafBlind, and low vision community. Accessible Pharmacy provides accessible packaging and labeling solutions so patients can manage prescriptions, vitamins, and supplements independently and safely.

See WayAround in Action

WayAround makes everyday items permanently accessible, one closet, kitchen, or file cabinet at a time. Watch the video to see how easy it is to use the tag-and-scan system to label your anything and everything!
Woman holding phone up to bag of almonds. A speech bubble from the phone says: Smoked Almonds, expires June 1, 2020

Better, Faster Information Starts Here.

The WayAround Starter Pack lets you try out all the different types of WayTag products: stickers, magnets, buttons, and clips. With multiple styles and features like on-metal, waterproof, and extreme temperatures, there's a WayTag product for just about anything.

Shop Now

Tag Your Everything

With Information Rich Audio Tags

Sometimes the little things can cause the biggest frustrations. WayAround is great for all the places in your home or office where you'd like better information, faster. Since our tags come as magnets, buttons, clips, and stickers, you can put them just about anywhere.

Many different sizes of canned goods, viewed from the top.


Tell canned goods apart? Can do!
Five dress shirts with collars hanging on wooden hangers.


Tag, scan, wash, and wear.
Stack of file folders and a three-ring binder.


Whistle while you tag.
Nail polish bottles with multiple shades.


Color yourself confident.

We're Hearing Good Things...

WayAround makes information that has never before been available to people who are blind easily accessible. It is an elegant solution, which meets previously unmet needs of many who live with vision loss.
Neva Fairchild
National Independent Living and Employment Specialist, American Foundation for the Blind
Darwin Belt and Armand Fisher working together at a table with an early prototype of a WayAround product.

A Company of Visionaries

Born from the minds of two architects with vision loss, WayAround is more than just a revolutionary product. It's a movement led and fueled by people who may not have great eyesight, but who definitely have a vision. As a company, we are committed to employing and partnering with people who are blind, and we give 10% or more of our profits to organizations that increase opportunities for people with vision loss.